Sunday, September 22, 2013

I Confess...

I confess...  I have not blogged since *gulp* February and it has been driving me crazy.  I am hoping I can really step it up and stay on top of it this time.  I have just been so busy at work and then by the time I get home and get Ainsley to bed I'm BEAT.  I'll definitely be working on this though.

I confess...  I have been obsessing over one of those Phillip Lim for Target totes but it sold out online so fast i couldn' get it and they were sold out at our Target too :(  Does anyone know if this was a one-time thing or if Tarjay will be getting additional stock???

I confess...  I once Tebow-ed on a table in the middle of the chute club at Rodeo.

(Exhibit A)

I confess... Between two full time jobs and our daughter, our evenings are pretty hectic in this house.  Chores have always been a point of contention, so we decided to split the rooms in our house.  I know this is rediculous but so far it's working.  I guess the tasks just seem less daunting if you're not cleaning the ENTIRE house.

I confess...  I am so excited for Fall!  I don't care if we will be back in the 90's this week, my boots will be on and the fall decorations are coming out today!
Scarves & sweaters here I come!

I confess...  My Texans are going to give me a heart attack this season.  These games are killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!

I confess...  I am not a cat person AT ALL, but somehow two outside cats have recently adopted us.  ughhhhh

I confess...  I am the "tough" parent when it comes to Ainsley going to bed in her own bed every night, but since Daddy was hunting all weekend we stayed up late and she slept in bed with me both nights.  Now I have to pray it won't be a fight when she sleeps in her bed tonight.

I confess...  I drove 2 hours to Houston last weekend to surprise my bestie for her birthday and forgot my Cuero....two hours away.  I also did not realize this until I was ordering drinks at the bar in the restaurant.  I did manage to still have a good time ;)

 I confess...  I think I have a serious addiction to Target.  I go at least once a week, and if we lived closer I would definitely be there more.

I confess...  It's time for the princess to wake up from her nap but I'm letting her sleep longer just so that I can finish this post :)    


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