Thursday, January 31, 2013

Cold Medicine and A Computer

So, three posts in one week?  That's not bad for a new blogger right?  This post should absolutely have more substance to it, unfortunately I'm writing whilst sipping on Thera-flu and will probably be knocked the eff out in the next 20 minutes.

So I know most, if not all of the lovely ladies I follow have iPhones.  In fact, by a large majority most of the people I know in real life have an iPhone but I have yet to jump on that bandwaggon.  I was a die-hard fan of the blackberry.  I think I had 4 or 5 of them when they were the "it" thing.  I actually had my last blackberry up until a year ago when it had an unfortunate incident with a mug of coffee in the car.  After that I switched to a windows phone and was seriously considering the iPhone until I heard the best news ever yesterday.... blackberry is coming out with a new phone!  Woo Hoo!!!!  You can bet your ass I'm already on the waiting list to find out when the phone will officially be available...counting down the days til march baby!

In other not so exciting news, I got a manicure on my lunch break today and in less than an hour, this happened:
What the?  I seriously think my nails hate me.  So after shelling out for a manicure 8 hrs ago I have now had to re-do them...although for my DIY manicure I did find an awesome shade of navy that I'm loving.

I know this post isn't very exciting AT ALL, but I'm hoping this thera-flu will do it's job and I will feel better by tomorrow!  I promise I wont make a post this boring again.  I'm off to get some zzzzz's so I can wake my sleepy butt up at 5:30 AM (uggghhh i hate writing that almost as much as I hate actually doing it) and get to work.  Anyone out there want to pay me to drink wine and watch Real Housewives and re-runs of OTH all day?


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Shopping With A Two Year Old

Yesterday after I picked Ainsley up from daycare I decided to take her to "town" in Victoria for some yummy chick-fil-a and some shopping for Mommy and baby.  Keep in mind as cute as this face is?  Not so cute when she's throwing a fit in the first store because "I no chop mama."
It seems I will never learn my lesson and continue to fly solo on these shopping trips with her.  This time I had the brilliant idea to stop at chik-fil-a in the mall and let her eat in her stroller while I shopped.  This actually did work wonderfully for about 1.4 minutes, then home girl decided she didn't want to sit in the stroller.  I calmly informed her that if she would sit in the stroller and let mommy look at clothes for a few minutes I would take her to the play area.  She then proceded to not-so-calmy (see: put her feet on the wheels and yelled "no chopping!") tell me that this was not a bargain she would like to be party to.

Needless to say after her lovely temper tantrum we left the mall but I did have a few things to pick up so we headed over to Tarjay for a quick stop ( is there such a thing as a quick trip to Target?).  I was able to pick up a few things for her and myself but in order to do so the trip may or may not have included: bribary, telling her repeatedly not to stand up, a cookie, some candy, and threats of timeout....but I got the job done.  Don't judge.


Monday, January 28, 2013

Hey Y'all.

Well hello there all you lovelies on the interwebs.  I'm so excited to write my very first blog!Although I have a whopping 0 followers, I thought one of those "About Me" type posts would be a good way to start so that if any of the fabulous ladies I blog-stalk like this girl or this girl happen to stop by, they could see how awesome normal I am ;)   So, sit back grab a glass of cab and take a peek at my world!

(So maybe an end of the day, no makeup pic wasn't the best way to start this here blog....ooops.) 
  • I guess we should start off with the basics my name is Brittany and I live in a small town in South Texas.
  • I have a 2 year old daughter named Ainsley and another child a husband named Layne.
  • This blog is something I have been thinking about starting for close to a year.  I frequently blog-stalk many of you girls and am excited to finally jump in!
  • I am really wierd about my food touching.  It's a texture thing more than anything but I would seriously be happy if I could have one of those separator plates at every meal.
  • I feel like this next one could get me shunned in the blog world but : I am not a fan of the Batchelor or  Batchelorette
  • I do however love the Real Housewives ( does that redeem me a little bit?)
  • I wore fake nails for over 10 years and just took them off a month ago.  This has led me to become a serial nail painter, anytime there is a chip I have to take my polish off and re-do. This is really time consuming so I'm debating getting my nails put back on.
  • I'm a shorty... a whole 5' tall
  • I'm a registered republican. Is it 2016 yet?
  • I love love love love wine but Cabernet is my fav.
  • I'm a makeup/hair product junkie.  Doesn't this go without saying for most ladies?
  • I'm a bargain shopper...I always head straight for the clearance racks first!
  • My blog name is a play on my name : My middle name is Bliss....and so is Ainsley's.
  • I grew up just south of Houston in Sugar Land but moved to a town of 7000 people 3 years ago with my husband.  Although I miss the good food and shopping, I love a small town!
So I think that's it for my first post.  How did I do?
