Monday, October 28, 2013

Weekend Recap

Today I'm linking up with Sami's Shenanigans for Weekend Recap. This was definitely not the best weekend ever(see picture two for details), however my husband had his wisdom teeth out and has recovered pretty quickly so that's a definite plus.

 one. Supporting the hometown boys at work on Friday, gotta love small town football!  #gomeangreen

two.  Saturday morning I woke up to find out that my credit card number had been stolen.  The thieves successfully took a good chunk of money out within a few minutes before the bank flagged it and shut them down.  Luckily I have a fantastic bank and I should have my money back Monday(fingers crossed.)  Needless to say, this was the face I made all morning.

three.  I opted for the round nails, still undecided if I like them, but it's nice to change it up every once in awhile.

four.  Anytime I trek to Victoria I HAVE to get Starbucks.
five.  I attempted to make a new Crockpot Potato Soup recipe for Layne since he couldn't eat anything.  I would share the recipe with y'all except that it didn't turn at all, so it was a big waste of time.

six.  Ainsley with her Uncle and one of her cousins at deer camp Saturday night.

seven.  Everyone in our family likes to take naps except for me, so during nap time if I'm not cleaning house...I'm reading :)

eight.  Layne took this picture of us this evening out at deer camp and I L-O-V-E it.  This may be one of my favorite pictures ever!

Hope everyone else had a great weekend, and to the D-Bag who stole my money : I hope you choke on a french fry.

Sami's Shenanigans


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Don't Drink the Kool-Aid

Politics are definitely a hot button topic for a lot of people.  One thing I've noticed recently though is that many seem to pick a side and stick to it, blindly following with no knowledge of what is really going on or what they are even speaking on.

I definitely lean more towards the conservative side of things in most cases, but I respect those with an opposite point of view as long as they know what they're talking about.  Nothing will make me lose respect for you faster than stating an opinion with absolutely 0 facts to back it up.

Lets take the Affordable Care Act (also known as "Obamacare").  For starters, are you aware that those are the same thing?  I've seen two recent public polls where people did not realize that those two were one in the same.  I am not a supporter of the ACA, it will be detrimental to our insurance and healthcare costs as well as the care we receive.  Don't believe me?  Do some REAL research, I've actually read the ACA, have you?  I don't agree with either party who wants to discuss this without the knowledge to back up what they're talking about. 

If you are going to debate this with me but all you've got is "The Affordable Care Act is good, because it guarantees everyone healthcare," than save your breath because you need some facts pronto to back that up.  For instance, are you aware that Non-Profit research hospitals like St. Jude could face fines because they offer free or reduced cost services to the poor?  Apparently, Obama is only OK with poor people receiving free healthcare if it comes from him. Forbes even talked about this very issue here.

Recently I've seen a lot of celebrities on twitter voicing their political opinions.  I think everyone is entitled to their opinion, but when you're making millions every year, you aren't going to feel the pain from this trash piece of legislature that much of the rest of the country will face.  My problem with celebrities is that with a forum like twitter, they have hundreds of thousands of followers, and unfortunately many will blindly follow the opinion of their favorite actor not really knowing the implications.

This issue does not just stick to the liberals, I have seen dozens of false claims online about Obamacare that I then hear repeated, and quite honestly it makes some conservatives look ignorant.  The ACA is not going to have your doctor implant a mircochip under your skin to track you or subject your house to government inspections.  These types of claims are absolutely absurd and I hope none of you actually believe these.

What most of this here rant boils down to is : Please do your research!  Don't let someone pull the wool over your eyes.  If you know what is going on and what could potentially happen, then you are armed with the best weapon possible, knowledge. (Sidenote : I also think you should be armed with a shotgun or two, and maybe a 9 but that's another post for another time.)


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I Have A Monogram Addiction

After Layne asked me what I wanted for my birthday last week I started putting together a list of some ideas for him.  That being said, after the last 3 hours since being home from work I have decided I want a maid, a chauffeur, and a husband who doesn't act like a 2 year old when he doesn't feel good. So who's in?  *crickets*

In all seriousness, do all men act like this when they're sick or in pain?  Currently he has a wisdom tooth that is waiting to be cut out Friday morning and he complains more than I did through 15 hours of labor.  Sorry dude, but I hold the trump card, and will forever.  Suck it up, buttercup!

Back to what this post is all birthday wishlist.  I thought I would share it because there's some pretty neat things I've found on the ol' Pinterest.

1.  I've been in the market lately for some cute and comfy new PJ's and these are adorable.  Polka dots + monogram = PERFECTION.  Found here.

2. Taupe riding boots.  I have looked all over for the perfect boots but have yet to find them, if anyone knows of a good pair that are not $300 please let me know!  Also, I have a tiny baby foot so I need them in a 5.5 which doesn't help.

3. For those that don't know me, I love coffee and wine so this mug pretty much sums me up.  I would undoubtedly keep this on my desk at work :)  Found here.

4. A black and white Aztec sweater.  These have been everywhere this year and I'm really starting to fall in love with them.

5. This southern pearl monogram ring from Southern Fried Chicks.  I'm a huge fan of their website and have been lusting after this ring for awhile now. It's pretty inexpensive so I don't know why I haven't bought it for myself yet.  Found here.

6. A weave, a la Pink Lou Lou.  I've watched the tutorial a few times and think I'm pretty close to trying it for myself!

7. A Double J purse.  There are a few I definitely wouldn't mind having but the one pictured is my current favorite.  Too bad these to-die-for bags come with to-die-for price tags.  Uggghh

8. Monogram State Wine Glasses.  This may be the greatest gift ever.  It combines three of my favorite things :  Wine, Texas and Monograms.  Found here.

If you take anything away from this list, it will be that I have a serious love for all things monogrammed.  Seriously y'all, it's borderline obsession at this point, do they have rehab for things like this?


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Weekend Recap...On Tuesday Night. Ooops!

one.   For some reason when I get busy at work, my jewelry starts to bother me and I take it off piece by piece without even noticing.  I looked down Friday afternoon and saw this.

two.  This is my 10 year old nephew, and yes he's almost taller than me.  (please ignore the curly mess on my head, it was rainy and humid)

three.  Sometimes I get my child involved in the selfie action.

four.  One of my favorite ladies and I at Western Days in Yorktown.

five.  Best friends waiting to ride the carousel at the carnival.  This picture makes my heart happy.

six.  Rick Trevino and I after his concert.  LOVE him!!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

What I Really Want for my Birthday

With my birthday week quickly approaching(it's November 4th in case anyone was wondering), I was super excited to get a text from my husband today asking what I wanted.  Seriously y'all, this is a man who has a history of shopping the day of the event for the last 6 birthdays.  I first asked for a new Double J purse that I want, as well as sexy time(hey, if you throw that out there it's pretty much a guarantee to get what you want!)  As we kept texting, the conversation turned to this :
No. I'm not kidding.  What I really want from my husband is for him to shave his head.  I have no idea why but I've always had a thing for a bald/shaved head.  I've been begging pretty much forever for him to try it just once but the answer is always no.  :(  Way to be a party pooper on my birthday dude!

Any of you ladies out there prefer your men bare vs hair???

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I Hate Haunted Houses

Let's go back to the year I was Dorothy for Halloween, circa 1989.  The daycare I went to hosted a Halloween party one evening where the whole family could come.  Games, candy, costumes...sounds fun for a bunch of children in daycare.  Oh, and there was a haunted-freiken-house!  What kind of ass wipe wants to scare children that young?  Oh, you know, just my teachers and parents! 

Apparently my attitude started at a young age.

I don't remember too much of this party, and I'm not sure who had the bright idea to take a girl 1 week shy of 4 years old through the haunted house, but we did it.  Besides being absolutely terrified by the strobe lights and black trash bag walls(yeah they went all out), about halfway through someone grabbed my foot and managed to pull off my red Dorothy slipper.  Hell-to-the-no, you do not mess with mama's shoes!  At this point, I completely lost my shit and all I remember is freaking the eff out until my Daddy went back in and got my shoe.

Fast forward about 19-ish years and I had been dating my now husband for about 6 months.  His two cousins had come in town for a weekend and everyone had been discussing ALL day about how they wanted to go to haunted houses later that night.  I stood my ground and told them time and time again that I would go, but there was no effing way I was walking through those stupid haunted houses. 

We get to the site, where I learn that there is not one haunted house but three.  GREAT.  While Layne, his sister and two cousins get in line to buy tickets, I hang out and practice my deep breathing so I don't have a panic attack.  Layne comes back to inform me that he decided to go ahead and buy me a ticket and to "trust him, it will be fun."  After much deliberation, some guilt tripping and me being the new-ish girlfriend who's afraid that her BF just wasted $40 on a ticket I begrudgingly agree to try one.(Today I would tell him to take that $40 and shove it where the sun doesn't shine while I hiked my happy ass back to the truck!  aaaahhh marriage.)

Back to the story.  The first attraction they decide we should try is the chainsaw maze, um excuse me?  You have a girl here who is terrified and you decide the best option is to have her chased through a maze by MULTIPLE people with chainsaws?  F.M.L.  I decide that because there are 5 of us, I can just stay towards the middle of the group, and I'll make it out unscathed.  Wrong.  It takes about 3.5 seconds for the cousins and little sister to bolt and I am stuck with just the boyfriend.  After about 5 wrong turns I am in full blown panic mode.  The tears start coming shortly after and I close my eyes trying to let Layne steer me out of this hell hole.

Do you know what those ass holes do to people that are scared in haunted houses?  They make it worse.  I literally had people getting in front of me and tripping me so that I would be forced to open my eyes and look at them.  Approximately 28 hours later(or 5 minutes), we finally made our way through the glorious exit.  Once Layne saw how terrified I was and that I couldn't stop shaking we booked it straight to the concession stand where I nabbed the biggest margarita they had to offer, and proceeded to spend the next 2 hours letting everyone else wait in line and take brief tours of hell. 

The only good thing that came out of that horrible experience is that to this day, the husband has NEVER asked me to go to a stupid haunted house ever again.

I'm all for Halloween, but as far as I'm concerned, haunted houses can suck it!


Monday, October 14, 2013

Weekend Recap, Turkeyfest Style.

Every year, the second weekend in October our little town has something called Turkeyfest. If you're ever going to visit Cuero, do it during Turkeyfest....or during the last weekend in August when we have Wine Run, either way you'll have a blast and booze it up plenty. Turkeyfest is a weekend full of booze, bbq contests, concerts, booze, a carnival, good friends, booze, shopping and more booze. We are on a team, and this weekend is always something I look forward to.

Without further adieu, here is my Turkeyfest weekend via iPhone pictures.

Sending pictures to my friend Shannon who came from Houston to spend the weekend.  She was stuck in traffic and I was being mean ;)

 Getting ready to see my man Randy Rogers

 Shan and I headed out

 We might have seen each other 30 minutes total the entire weekend, but I had to get at least one picture

 My new Tervis.....I'm uhb-sessed!

 Shan and Ainsley at lunch before we did some shopping in town

Layne and Ainsley representin' C-Town Cookers

Happy girl at the carnival

Round 2!  This hair was up in a bun in about 5 minutes.  Thanks a lot rain!

 The aftermath.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

She Will Be Free

Hey there ladies....well I'm assuming I have a few readers even if I don't have any followers.  I have watched this video a few times since it was released and it really speaks to my heart.  Josh Abbott is one of my favorite artists and the fact that he is using his platform for something like this is truly amazing. 

Celebs are regularly using their voice to speak out for people around the globe on dozens of worthy causes but we rarely see them speak out for something here in the US. Sex trafficking is a very real, very scary, very serious epidemic here and I'm so glad that Josh is bringing it to the forefront.  If you read this blog please take the time to watch this video and share it. 
I promise not to always be so serious, but this was something I truly felt moved to share.

Monday, October 7, 2013

My First Link-Up!

My first link-up with none other than Sami's Shenanigans !

 one: Little Miss having fun in the back yard on one of our nice "fall" days in South Texas
 two: What my bed looks like after getting ready for a night out with friends
 three: Big hair don't care!
 four: With my two favorite guys(my husband and one of our best friends).
 five: Yummy beer-rita's Saturday night.
 six: The sign of a good babysitter - kid PASSED out with ALL of her toys
 seven: Ainsley reading a book to Lilly on the back porch
 eight: Hanging out at deer camp with our favorite Bryan family addition, Bailey.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

What I'm For

I’m for coffee all day long.
I’m for teaching my child manners.
I’m for less Government involvement in our lives.
I’m for Gay marriage.
I’m for the rights of unborn children.
I’m for a glass of wine or 3 when you’ve had a rough day.
I’m for Ted Cruz for President.
I’m for getting Obama the eff out of office, like NOW.
I’m for private healthcare, not public.
I’m for a president who has served the country - Isn't the title "Commander In Chief?"
I’m for boots because it’s Fall even if it’s 90 + degrees in South Texas.
I’m for small town life.
I’m for supporting your local community.
I’m for the Oil & Gas Industry.
I’m for the Keystone Pipeline
I’m for tolerance.
I’m for educating yourself and not following blindly.
I’m for Voter ID laws
I’m for women being able to work AND raise kids.
I’m for Texas Country music.
I’m for online shopping.
I’m for accessories.
I’m for BIG hair.
I’m for hunting.
I’m for Fall.
I'm for cuss words.
I'm for Congress getting their act together.
I’m for immunizations.
I’m for bargain shopping.
I’m for paying the military more and our politicians less.
I'm for the American Dream.
I'm for Jesus.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I Don't Trust Mirrors

...So I take selfies. 

I have no idea how or why this started but clearly, I have a problem.
These pictures are never posted anywhere, well at least until now.  But they are pretty much always in the truck or at work.  I've gotten pretty sneaky at my selfie-taking skills in the truck.

They are not always good pics, but for whatever reason, I never delete them.  I honestly do this 3-4 times a week if not more. I really feel like what I look like in pictures is not at all what I see in the mirror and so I keep on with my daily selfies.

(Who doesn't love a good seat belt between the boobs pic?)
This is definitely one of my most embarrassing confessions, but if you can't make a fool of yourself on the world wide web for everyone to see, than where can you?

Seriously though, who has time to take daily pictures to check their hair and makeup?  Apparently, this chick right here!  Someone please please please tell me I'm not alone in this. 
