Monday, October 28, 2013

Weekend Recap

Today I'm linking up with Sami's Shenanigans for Weekend Recap. This was definitely not the best weekend ever(see picture two for details), however my husband had his wisdom teeth out and has recovered pretty quickly so that's a definite plus.

 one. Supporting the hometown boys at work on Friday, gotta love small town football!  #gomeangreen

two.  Saturday morning I woke up to find out that my credit card number had been stolen.  The thieves successfully took a good chunk of money out within a few minutes before the bank flagged it and shut them down.  Luckily I have a fantastic bank and I should have my money back Monday(fingers crossed.)  Needless to say, this was the face I made all morning.

three.  I opted for the round nails, still undecided if I like them, but it's nice to change it up every once in awhile.

four.  Anytime I trek to Victoria I HAVE to get Starbucks.
five.  I attempted to make a new Crockpot Potato Soup recipe for Layne since he couldn't eat anything.  I would share the recipe with y'all except that it didn't turn at all, so it was a big waste of time.

six.  Ainsley with her Uncle and one of her cousins at deer camp Saturday night.

seven.  Everyone in our family likes to take naps except for me, so during nap time if I'm not cleaning house...I'm reading :)

eight.  Layne took this picture of us this evening out at deer camp and I L-O-V-E it.  This may be one of my favorite pictures ever!

Hope everyone else had a great weekend, and to the D-Bag who stole my money : I hope you choke on a french fry.

Sami's Shenanigans



  1. So sorry your credit card got hacked! I hope you get it figured it out soon. What book are you reading? I am always looking for books to add to my goodreads queue for future reading:)

    Visiting from Sami's Shenanigans!


    1. Hi Alyson! I love to read and am a total book nerd! Right now I'm reading One Thousand White Women by Jim Fergus. It starts off a little slow but I'm really enjoying it.
